"ReactiveSearch was the only platform that could have allowed us to get a great product out to restaurants in a matter of just 48 hours. The ReactiveSearch.io team has provided extraordinary support throughout the process."

David Kong
Founder, Somm.ai

Create Seamless Search and Navigation

Customize Elasticsearch UI, result pages, and cards in just a few clicks.

Start your search UI journey by choosing preset layout for your search results page. Classic for easy-to-use filters and Minimal for streamlined view.

search result preset
result text

Easily customize search result card text font family and colors and preview changes instantly.

Customize the UI of your result cards, search bar or other elements by pasting custom CSS classes into the code box and preview instantly.

add custom css classes
Search relevance settings

Control search relevancy settings to always deliver accurate results. Add synonyms and set typo tolerance in realtime to minimize No-Result queries.

Toggle pagination on search result pages

Modify the search results page and filters for a smooth search user experience. Toggle pagination and popular suggestions.

Add messages that will assist your users in their search journey. Use tailored No-Result queries, Empty Filters, Loading messages and other help text to guide search users.

Modify filters and facets

Build Recommendation Widgets in Minutes

Engage users for longer by creating a handy recommendations UI.

Recommendations are leveraged by a variety of industries from e-commerce, blogs, and more to promote new releases and increase cross-selling and upselling opportunities. Relevant products keep users interested and gives you more insight into your customers. Design UI of the recommendations widget and card layout and see live preview before going live.

Most Popular Products

Promote the most popular products based on analytics.

Most Recent Products

Highlight newly added products and records to visitors.

Similar to this Product

Add recommendations on product pages based on similar attributes and features.

Featured Products

Showcase curated products by selecting products to feature from the dashboard itself.

Set details of the recommendation cards layout - CTA title, action and fields you want to appear - image, price, description, redirect URL. You can add any custom CSS here as well.

recommendation settings
recommendation settings

Copy-paste code snippets and go live instantly on any CMS platform or site

Once your UI design is ready, simply export the code using your API key.

Shopify Websites

Our awesome features
Select Shopify in the Platform section.

Our awesome features
Enter API credentials and select Embed Mode when exporting the code.

Our awesome features
Copy snippet.

Our awesome features
Paste in header.liquid or search-form.liquid markdown.

WordPress, Magento, Other CMSes, and Custom Sites

Our awesome features
Select Other in the Platform section.

Our awesome features
Enter API credentials and select Embed Mode when exporting the code.

Our awesome features
Copy snippets.

Our awesome features
Paste in head and body of Index.html.

Build upon ReactiveSearch.io UI designs

Want to create an even more tailored experience for your website? Select Hackable Mode when exporting the code and go beyond the No Code Editor.

Copy code snippet

Export to any web application editor like CodeSandbox

Build and test UX visually

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