Deploy supercharged Elasticsearch with Docker and ReactiveSearch

ReactiveSearch offers the missing control plane for running Elasticsearch in a cloud-native fashion.

Giving business teams the tools to optimize search ROI in realtime

Fine tune search relevance

Controls to create a multi-language, typo tolerant, faceted, relevant search experience.

Our awesome features
Go beyond search relevance with query rules

Promote products based on a query, category, or a timeframe. Refine the search query, setting view specific facets, detecting user intent, showing a banner, hiding irrelevant products and more.

Our awesome features
Get actionable analytics and insights

Measure the business impact of search with popular search terms, CTRs, conversions, and more. Use insights to optimize the ROI of search.

Our awesome features
NoCode UI Builder

Create search and recommendations UI with a WYSIWYG builder to deliver an engaging search and discovery experience.

Our awesome features

Enabling developers to build a responsive and scalable search UX

Import Data

Import from sources such as JSON, CSV, SQL, Elasticsearch via the dashboard. Import from 10+ sources via our CLI.

Our awesome features
Visual Search Preview

Create a visual search preview with our point-and-click dashboard interface without writing any code. Export code to extend further.

Our awesome features
Build responsive web and mobile search UIs

Pick from our 30+ pre-built components for building web and mobile search experiences. Available for React, Vue, React Native.

Our awesome features
View API logs

Get details of request and response to discover errors and replicate specific behaviors.

Our awesome features

Add fine-grained access control for search out-of-the-box

API Credentials

Don't compromise on security with a single point of failure. Create multiple keys, each with specific intent. Set ACLs, restrict by HTTP Referers and IP sources, set rate limits. Rotate credentials programmatically.

Our awesome features
Role Based Access Control

Segment users by roles specific to your use-case. Each role can be paired with an API credential.

Our awesome features
Field Level Filtering

Exclude sensitive fields from being returned to the users.

Our awesome features
Set User Scopes

Collaborate with your team effectively by providing scoped access to the dashboard.

Our awesome features

You're in good company

Deploying on Docker’s docker deployment is divided into these distinct modules:


GUI to visually modify search relevance, add access controls, and analyze your search analytics.


API gateway and reverse proxy for Elasticsearch which enforces settings applied by the dashboard.

5-Step Deployment Overview

Our awesome features
Create a new instance

Sign up and get your instance ID over here.

Our awesome features
Get the deployment template

Clone our deployment template repository to easily build and deploy on your machine with the following command: git clone && cd arc-dockerized

Our awesome features
Configure logging agent

Fluentbit forwards the logs created by to Elasticsearch, so update the fluent-bit.conf file with your Elasticsearch variables. Note: You can skip changing defaults if you're running Elasticsearch as part of deployment.

Our awesome features
Build and deploy

Variant 1: If Elasticsearch is already set up. Install + Nginx with TLS (Recommended for prod setup). See code. Variant 2: If you don't have Elasticsearch set up. Install and Elasticsearch together (dev mode). See code.

Our awesome features
Configure and use the dashboard

Open configuration service URL in your browser or setup if opening for the first time. Then, configure Instance variables.

Deploy on any infrastructure using Docker

Take a look at our in-depth guide that will run you through all the steps you need to know

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